Have you met Terri? - Brookmans

Adventures (5)

Have you met Terri?

In case you hadn’t noticed the new face around… let us introduce Terri, our new General Manager. terri-web

What made you want to become a general manager?

I’m super nosey. I love learning about people’s lives and the only reason I come to work is to make people’s day.

If you’re having a dinner party at home, what do you cook?

I am a meat and cheese fiend, so it would have to involve steaks and raclette. I’m also a bit of a chocolate enthusiast so maybe some fondant. Everyone knows you attend dinner parties for the wine though, so I’m afraid to say that might get more of my focus than it should.

If you got your dream job tomorrow, what would you be doing? 

Singing! I love to sing – I just need to get over my stage fright to be able to do it in public more.

Any front of house annoyances? 

Oh where to start? I’m sure everyone has little pet hates in their jobs, but they are particularly highlighted in ours. A lack of pens is definitely up there…

What’s your embarrassing work moment? 

The time I fell over and did the splits wearing a pencil dress to make sure I saved the asparagus Dip Your Own that I was carrying. I’m sure you can imagine what happened next to the dress.

What words of wisdom would you give any young manager starting out? 

Work hard early and you will reap the rewards as you go through life. The days are long and hard, but the team become best family around you so relish them.

What attracted you to Brookmans?

I’ve known the business for a long time, and always thought what an incredible building it is with such great potential. I’m excited to get all the regulars buzzing about their local again, so they can be proud of the food and drinks we serve.

Anything you won’t eat? 

Cat, dog & monkey. I’ve had this conversation many times – people are always shocked by my distinct lack of food boundaries, but I do draw the line at those three.

What’s your biggest achievement? 

Becoming the youngest GM in Peach. Sorry Mat (One Elm) – I took your title

What makes you stay at Peach?

They care about the people who work with them. Everyone knows each others names, and we actually get a say on how we run our businesses. A lot of companies employ “GM’S” but don’t let them make any decisions about what works best for their own business- we get to write the menus, choose the events we want to throw and decide what to stock on the bar. Trips to Barcelona & Prague help too 😉

Written by lindseydurrant

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