Our very First Belly Laughs at Brookmans - Brookmans

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Our very First Belly Laughs at Brookmans

Comedy NightLast night saw our very first Comedy Night, and what a night it was! We had a packed full house with over 80 guests, and we’re so sure our next one is going to be a success we already have the date booked in as Tuesday 31st May. Tickets are only £8, or a fiver if you dine with us before the show begins. Tickets are limited, so call us to book before it’s too late, 01707 664144.

Stand-up comedian and extraordinaire Sandra Hale worked through the night to make sure everything was right, and despite the nerves, last minute script changes, spotlight adjustments and sound checks, we’re sure you’ll agree it was a blooming success. Backed up with a little help from the budding comedic Brookmans team who enjoyed trying their hand at their own comedy!

As the clock struck 8pm, the room was buzzing, with all bums on seats (except the front rows of course). The Prosecco and Gin was flowing and Sandra opened the curtain for some good bants and ‘fries for lies’ to warm up the audience before six of the best comedians on the circuit joined the stage.comedy3

A cocky Cockney in Sam Smedley, a 5ft lettuce-loving Katie Pritchard and an angry ginger Sean Gorman, brought down the house in the first half of the show followed by Chris Joyce, a 6ft 8 musical genius pianist easing us in the second half… Arielle was up next, a larger than life French battleaxe, winning over the crowd with her clever anecdotes and French subtitles, followed by the headline act Eshaan Akbar, soon to be the next biggest name on Mock the Week. Eshaan smashed his set with his Bangladeshi Pakistani set that raised the green room off its hinges!

Laughter, Beer and Wine continued when the curtains came down….the comedians mingled with the locals and continued with their one liners right till closing time…. We’re sure the smiles will remain on everyones faces for quite some time, and we certainly hope to be the talk of the town.

Well done Sandra and the Brookmans team!

Written by donna

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