A barrel of laughs at Brookmans Belly Laughs - Brookmans

Adventures (5)

A barrel of laughs at Brookmans Belly Laughs

What better way to spend the Tuesday night after a bank holiday than with a bottle of wine, a few deli boards and six hilarious comedians to keep you entertained!

Belly Laughs was in full swing last night at Brookmans. MC Sandra Hale, got the night the night started with a few cheeky innuendos about preferring her phone on silent, and asking a gent in the audience to share the clap around…

To the stage first was AJ Roberts, self-claimed as the bald version of Lewis Hamilton, telling stories of being followed round Aldi by security and his tube drama of thinking every fat lady was pregnant!

He was followed by Julie Oliver – no not Jamie Oliver’s wife. Turns out her boyfriend lacks in the culinary skills – he recently ruined their wok by frying a Cadburys Creme Egg!

Up next was by Neil from Ireland, promptly pointing out that although he was used to his accent being commented on, at least he pronounces his ‘R’s!

After a quick refuel in the interval Kathryn took to the stage. Engaging the crowd by asking what the local term for a woman’s lady parts was, before moving on to tell tales of her Priest upbringing, and being bisexual in a Catholic home.


Next up was a guy who looked far too young to even be on stage, and although he promised he was definitely over 12 years old , he got the act started by telling the audience ‘there were a few pretty girls in tonight… in the pub down the road’.

Sarah was the headline act providing a brilliant finish to the night with the story of her Mum calling round her relatives to inform them that her brother Tim was a veggie, and Sarah was a lesbian.

With a range of jokes and topics to suit everyone, and of course drinks a plenty, a thoroughly great night was had by all. Bring on next months edition! We’ll see you there!

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