10 Questions with Miles... - Brookmans

Adventures (5)

10 Questions with Miles…

miles1. What keeps you in hospitality running pubs?

Because I love meeting new people, and still enjoy the buzz of service and making sure my guests go home happy!

2. If you’re hosting a dinner party, what are you cooking?

I’m quite foodie and enjoy cooking, so it would be Salt & Chilli Crispy Squid, Roasted Garlic Aioli, Spring Onions & Rocket Salad followed by Slow Cooked Beef cheek, Roasted Root Vegetables, Garlic & Thyme Mash, Red Wine Jus. For pud I love Lemon Posset, but I’d make a Shortbread Base covered with Strawberry Jelly. I’d also make some Toffee Popcorn and garnish with Baby Basil Leaves.

3. Favourite tipple?

Anything sweet, as I have a terribly sweet tooth! Disaronno on ice usually or in the summer a nice long Gin & Tonic with plenty of fresh limes!

4. Describe yourself in three words… 

Authentic, funny (But in a Dad joke fashion more often than not!) and passionate.

5. What inspires you?

Passion, fun and people inspire me. Seeing what I want and going to get it, but having some laughs as we trip up along the way.

6. Any embarrassing work moments?miles2

Too many to mention! The most recent being dressing up as a Dalmatian for a guests black and white themed party because nobody else would wear the costume!

7. What attracted you to Brookmans?

Brookmans is a fantastic pub with great guests, and definitely the only place to be in the area!

8. Any words of widom for a budding restauranteur?

Be passionate about what you serve and how you serve it. If you can get your people and your produce right you’re on to a winner! Also, look at what is already being done – most of the best ideas are stolen!

9. Any guilty pleasures?

Prawn Crackers! I have no idea why but I can literally eat them by the bucket load! Mix them and a good box set and I’m sold…..You can never just watch one episode of anything!

10. Finally, any random facts we should know about you?

Massively competitive! I have a very strong history in Football and can still show a few people up on the rugby field! I’m also quite handy for a few tips at Ascot should they be required!

Pop down and see Miles in the pub soon, he’d love to get to know you!

Written by donna

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